This Ministry handles food distribution and monitoring the Hotline for persons of the parish or close community who indicate a need due to hardship from any cause. Confidentiality of persons using the food pantry is most important. Volunteers are responsible for: calling into the parish hotline and collecting messages, returning calls within 24-48 hrs., coordinating a time for the caller to receive food from the pantry and meeting them there. We do not deliver food or drive persons to or from the pantry due to liability.
Harvest for the Hungry - The food pantry consists of 4 cupboards located in the Kennedy Room. Parishioners donate food primarily through monthly collections on the 1st Sunday of each month. Volunteers for this part of the Ministry are responsible for unpacking the food from bags/boxes brought to Sunday Masses, checking for food expiration dates, sorting/shelving the food in designated areas of like items and determining excess items for pick up by Catholic Charities. Time commitment is likely to be a maximum of one Sunday every other month (6 times/year), minimum of one or two Sundays every 3rd or 4th month (3 or 4 times/year).
S.O.M.E. Ministry responds to Christ's message "to feed the hungry." Once a month, donations of food are served to the needy in the community through S.O.M.E. kitchens. Generally, hot food donations are collected in the winter on the second Tuesday of each month from 9:00 - 9:40 a.m. in the Church parking lot. Cold food donations are collected in the summer on the second Tuesday of each month from 9:00 to 9:40 a.m. in the Church parking lot. If you cannot deliver your donations to the Church parking lot at these times, please see the bulletin for details on making other arrangements. S.O.M.E. donations are organized by Jane Welsh (301-754-2141) and Sue Wiant (301-593-8689).
Join fellow SJE parishioners in providing and collecting sandwiches and bags of fruit each month to take to the homeless served by Shepherd’s Table. Volunteers are needed as: sandwich makers, food donors, food collectors (one-hour shifts), drivers to deliver the food to Shepherd’s Table in downtown Silver Spring. On the third Sunday of every month, individually wrapped sandwiches of meat and/or cheese (no condiments please) and bags of fruit are dropped off before/after Masses at the Kennedy Room from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Volunteers serve in one-hour shifts at the Kennedy Room to receive the food donations and/or drive the donations to Shepherd’s Table.